Do you love pull-on boots but have a hard time putting them on? Garrett has the same issue! Check out this industry hack and save it for later!Step 1: Find a plastic grocery bagStep 2: Slip your foot into the grocery bag (trust us, this will help slide into the boot with ease)Step 3: Listen for the “thump”Step 4: Walk around for a few minutes & let the leather stretch a bitThen boom, you’…
Bickmore leather conditioner is a product rich in history and value. Bickmore is a company that started in the late 1800’s as an ointment to help heal horse wounds. Then, they moved to producing other products like shaving cream, toothpaste and eventually leather conditioner. All formulations are American made, and the company is headquartered in Michigan.Photo from Bickmore.comWhe…
As you may know, we are dedicated in continuous training to stay knowledgeable, helpful, and provide excellent service.The team was challenged in learning more about Benchmade products and the history of the company, all while being in a race to win a FREE KNIFE!This aligns with us and our competitive nature but also our willingness to learn and to make our customers lives better. After watching a…
Did you know Holly’s college summer job was working at School Specialty?? Her first day on the job was learning how to package items correctly and efficiently, and that’s what she did all summer long!When shipping an item, you want minimal room between the top of the item and the top of the box. However, what if you don't have the right size box or enough packing materials? You use thi…
From July 1st through August 5th, chase Pete the Pirate Cat around Downtown Mansfield for the chance to win AWESOME prizes!! This year, the Downtown Mansfield Scavenger Hunt is hosted by Buckeye Imagination Museum, and there are over 20 businesses involved!! Check out a participating location that you’ve always wanted to explore OR stick to the places you know and love, like The Boot Life®!The ann…
The one consistent thing about Facebook is that it’s ALWAYS changing. Facebook uses data from YOUR reactions to decide what shows up in your feed. Did you know --- YOU have the power to choose what pages you see!Check out these easy steps to see posts from people and places you like the most! 1: Open your Facebook page! 2: Click on the “Menu” button on the bottom right-hand corner of the…