10 Years - Underdog Startup Breaking the Odds

“It’s not how hard you get hit, it’s the will to get back up.” When the odds are a 70% fail rate, how does a startup make it 10 years? The why and who has to outweigh the what. You that live The Boot Life® are a big deal. You are our why, and you show up.

When we opened the first day, you stopped by with smiles and made purchases. You sent coffee and a handwritten note, “Welcome to the ‘hood.” You hand-delivered flowers in the good vase. You stopped and prayed over us. You were gracious and laughed with us when we forgot to announce we were in fact “open for business.” You are our why.

You were our first vendor, chosen based on your quality and service. You showed the line to us in a parking lot on the way to your next appointment and put your name on us to be opened. As the years brought unforeseen market issues, you continued to put your name on us again and again. You even gave us an award among some of the darkest years. You are our why.

You stopped by over the years to let us know when competitors in the market were adding our lines both legally and fraudulently. You waited patiently as we served others and discreetly shared information we would not have known otherwise so we could be pro-active and protect the ability to serve you and your neighbors. You are our why.

You nominated us for awards.  You wrote Google and Facebook reviews.  You put our sticker on your retired surfboard, your tackle box, your welder, your guitar case, your back window. You cheered the loudest when we were on stage. You were always up for 
a collaboration. You put your name on us. You are our why.

You said yes when asked if we could serve your employees in the way of safety toe work boots. You help to make sure invoices are paid timely so we can keep inventory in stock. You said, “You can touch anything but leave the shoe program alone.” You stop by with the grandkids every year and allow us the privilege of watching them grow. You share your pups with us. You bring the family in before the wedding. You do life with us. You are our why.

You stopped in for boots but really needed to talk about life. We teared up together on the sales floor and stepped aside to pray together for the protection and provision you needed. You are our why.

When the world shut down and we were faced with being physically removed from the property. You gave us names and numbers. You answered emails. You made phone calls. Your team was essential and you were willing to put on letterhead that we were supplying your PPE. You are our why.

When unrest made it to our small town you stood at the ready to help us leave if it was needed. You stood in the crowd to protect freedom of speech and ensure peace. You are our why. 

TeamBootLife, you show up to work for long days with a heart to serve. You taught us how to be better, and it was always the goal that you gained more than a paycheck. You are our why.

When we needed a new location with our own parking lot, you helped find one. You put in the flooring, you built changing rooms, you installed cable and security. You helped get the sign down. You made sure the parking lot was ready for opening day. You made the new signs. You are our why.

Over the last ten years, you took it on the chin. You went to work on holidays, in blizzards, during a worldwide pandemic, under air quality warnings, when you were short-staffed, through two election cycles, and without what you needed. You keep showing up. You put your boots on and go another day. You are our why. You are who we celebrate at our dinner table and during all-team meetings. You are why an underdog start-up broke the odds.


Thank you for 10 years of living The Boot Life®!