Three weeks ago we found out who held the world record in line dancing. Do you know who that is?
China!!! You read that right! They set the record at 18,441 people line dancing in one location. With some research, we found the picture and discovered that line dancing had become popular with specifically Chinese women as a fun form of exercise.
Photo from China News courtesy of
When we found out about the record, we knew immediately who could take it back! People who wear boots!! But when? Nothing was on the community calendar for Friday, July 1st, 2022, Independence Day weekend.
Less than sixty days away!! Challenge accepted!!! After the last couple years, we know boot wearing Americans can get it done!!! It's a world record, it's fun, and it's just what we all need!
First thing, where in Mansfield OH can 20,000 people get together??? Short version -- the old Mansfield Raceway was discovered. It has a lot of open space and parking. The race track was officially closed for business during 2020. It's located a short distance from Mansfield Lahm Airport and its address is 400 Crall Rd E, Mansfield OH 44903. (Crall Rd, did you catch that? For a line dance record?!)
Next up, what about sound? A large space and a lot of people who need to hear properly in order to dance in-time. Enter Red Ball Jets!!! They have agreed to do sound!!!
Next up is finalizing the LIVE artist(s,) food trucks, and organize the details of The Boot Life® Block Party!! A lot has been done in 2 weeks! The coolest thing about all this is taking the challenge on with you! Stay close on Facebook and email for announcements.
Imagine an incredible summer concert and stopping in the middle to take a world record doing the electric slide!!!
Tickets are posted on EventBrite with several options to choose from, so click below and get your place reserved, and let's inspire the nation by bringing back a win to the USA!
The Boot Life® Block Party Tickets