30-Day Spring Cleaning Challenge

It’s time for spring cleaning!! We made it a challenge to keep it simple. Boots ON!

  1. Do it in increments!
  2. Set a timer!
  3. Make it a family activity!

Cleaning out closets

Keep it simple by making 4 piles

  1. Keep
    1. one of your favorites?
    2. worn in the last year?
    3. does it properly fit?
    4. does it fit within your current style?
  2. Sell
    1. still have the tags on them?
    2. brands that people love?
    3. in style?
    4. in good shape?
  3. Donate
    1. pieces that someone else could use?
    2. gone out of style?
    3. less popular brands?
    4. in good shape?
  4. Throw Away
    1. Unintentional holes
    2. Stubborn stains
    3. Significant stretching
    4. Permanent smells

Cleaning your boots

  1. Wipe off dust and debris
  2. Use a leather conditioner to clean and polish your leather shoes & boots...Bick 4 is our personal favorite!!
  3. Replace your laces if needed
  4. Are there shoes that are damaged, or that you never wear?
    1. Time to sell, donate, or throw them out. The closet guidelines also apply here!!

Happy Spring Cleaning!!