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Stress Free Christmas

3 Steps to Have a Stress-Free Christmas: Your Holiday Survival GuideThe holidays are supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but let’s be honest—between the shopping, budgeting, and endless to-do lists, they can quickly become overwhelming. This year let’s take the stress out of Christmas and focus on what really matters: family, fun, and making memories. At The Boot Life®, we believe…

10 Years - Underdog Startup Breaking the Odds

“It’s not how hard you get hit, it’s the will to get back up.” When the odds are a 70% fail rate, how does a startup make it 10 years? The why and who has to outweigh the what. You that live The Boot Life® are a big deal. You are our why, and you show up.When we opened the first day, you stopped by with smiles and made purchases. You sent coffee and a handwritten note, “Welcome to the ‘hood.” You…